Aug 22, 2010

Bill O'Really?: Bill O'Reilly Criticizes Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber

Bill O'Reilly has been quite a steamy little teapot lately. After hearing Jennifer Aniston say women don't need to wait around for a man to have a baby, O'Reilly said Aniston is "being destructive to society." I don't understand his reasoning but that's probably because my idea of being destructive to society is being sober. Now O'Reilly is criticizing Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber after seeing a photo shoot the two stars did. The theme of the photo shoot was The Graduate, a movie where this young guy hooks up with this hot cougar. How clever of them to use Kim and Justin. I don't know what Billy Boy has against the shoot. He must be some sort of a repressed homosexual. I say repressed because as a homosexual, I think the shoot is the best idea since a buffet. One of the panelists on the O'Reilly factor argued that every 16 year old boy dreams of taking pictures with Kimmy K. Unless you're that one kid in middle school who played with jump ropes instead of basketballs. Their dream probably involved extra time in the locker room. However, it also wasn't a dream for bitch ass Bill either. He says "I think it's gross." Obviously, him and I have two different definitions of 'gross.' Gross for Bill: Kim and Justin pictures. Gross for Caesar Teaser: turkey necks. "I wanted to be a baseball player [when I was 16]," Bill said. "I didn't want to hang around with Kim Kardashian...I had a baseball bat and a ball and [a pair of] ice skates! That's what I was doing." Hey Bill, even flamers like me think Ice Skating is gay and if baseball was your sport of choice then I only have one question: pitcher or catcher? Looks like you're just like some of your other fellow Republicans in America who hide their homosexuality by hiring male prostitutes and use glory holes in public bathrooms.

Photo: Counter Light's Peculiar

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