Aug 10, 2010

Carey Less: Drew Carey Loses 80 Pounds

Last Wednesday night, Drew Carey went to a party in LA where everyone saw the results of his weight loss. He refrained from eating any carbs since the beginning of the year and lost 80 pounds, which is around the weight of Kim Kardashian's ass. He says, "No bread at all. No pizza, nothing. No corn, no beans, no starches of any kind." I think that's a diet I could follow since he didn't say 'no vodka.' One of the benefits to the weight loss is that he's no longer diabetic, but he says "I got tired of being fat on camera." I'm glad he didn't say he wanted to lose weight to get healthier, because I feel like most people are losing weight to improve their looks. The only problem is: I don't think Drew looks any better.

Photo: Huffington Post

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