Aug 6, 2010

For Your Nympho: Montana Fishburne Is All About Sex

Montana Fishburne, daughter of CSI star Laurence Fishburne, is under a contract with Vivid Entertainment where she's made a porn movie set to release August 10th, which is definitely up our butts and around the corner. Porn has always been a dream for Fishburne and she believes it isn't a big deal. Comfortable with her body and sexuality, she says this could be the stepping-stone for her career just like Kim Kardashian's sex tape was for hers. Let's just hope she's right and doesn't end up like Paris Hilton or that one housewife from New Jersey. Though she admits she was nervous at first, she says she is fine doing porn since she "has a lot of at-home experience." She sounds like a lot of fun if you ask me.

Fishburne moved out of her father's house at the age of 18 so she can basically do what she wants, which i'm guessing is to make porn videos. However, some of her father's friends tried to prevent the release of the tape by buying all of the copies from Vivid Entertainment. By the time they tried to make the deal, though, the tapes were released to the retailers. That was a close one.

Fishburne reveals that her father isn't happy with her career choices, but she hopes that in time, he will be happy with whatever she pursues and hopefully one day he will be proud of her. I think lots of fathers can be proud of their daughters doing porn so they can attend dinner parties and say things like "well, my daughter holds the world record of the furthest squirt ejaculation," or "my daughter can discharge 10 golf balls from her vagina in 7 seconds."

The best part about this whole drama is the discovery of Fishburne's arrest last year for prostitution. I have got to party with her. She is still on probation for prostitution where the charges were dropped and she escaped jail to participate in a work-alternative program. I'm guessing her work-alternative is now doing porn. If that's not an alternative, then I don't know what is.

Photo: What's On XIA Men?

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