Aug 7, 2010

Bear-y Sneaky: A Bear is a Serial Intruder

There's a black bear in Billings, Montana that may have been involved in over 21 late night break-ins over the past 3 weeks, give or take. The bear will usually break-in through screen doors or screened windows and rummage through refrigerators and freezers to find food. This bear sounds very smart. It almost sounds like a human is dressing in a bear costume and breaking in people's houses for food. Either that, or people are so retarded that they think a screen door is going to keep them safe from everything outside.

In the bear's latest intrusion, he broke into the house of Marek Rosin at around 1:30AM and attacked a supreme pizza in the freezer. Rosin says "He was about four feet from me with his head in the freezer munching on a pizza... It was almost comical if it wouldn't have been that close." I don't know if comical is the word I would use to describe being 4 feet from a black bear. You know what is comical? The fact that the bear also taught Rosin how you have to microwave a pizza before eating it.

Photo: The Privatopia Papers Blog

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