Jul 29, 2010

Luke, I Am Your Robber: Man Robs Bank in Darth Vader Costume

A man walked into a Chase branch bank in a Darth Vader costume and walked out with an unknown amount of money in Setauket, New York. Wherever the hell that is... He came in with a gun, which is pretty disappointing because I was hoping he would have a light saber, or maybe one of those laser guns. Apparently he was part of a series of bank robberies in the New York area. I think this guy might be pushing his luck if he thinks he isn't going to get caught after robbing more than one bank. Also, earlier this week a man was arrested for robbing a bank while having some flowers and a potted plant. I don't know how the hell he managed to rob a bank with a boquet of flowers. The only person more stupid than the flower robber is the person who let him get away with the money. The only time you need to be threatened by a flower is when you're playing Super Mario Brothers.

Photo: FotoPedia

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