Apr 10, 2012

Super Felon Sweep: Man Commits 11 Felonies in 9 Hours

William Todd was taking a road trip somewhere and had a layover in Nashville where he managed to commit 11 felonies in 9 hours. Around 3am he broke into a local business where he stole a Taser, a revolver, and a shotgun.  Next, he shot the place up, stole a t-shirt, and lit the place on fire. God forbid, he leaves the place without a t-shirt. From there he held four people at gunpoint, pistol whipped one of them, Tased another one, and stole all of their money and credit cards. Then, he stole a taxi cab and spent the money he just stole at a downtown Wal-Mart. For those of you who don't know Wal-Mart is like the fucking Saks Fifth Avenue of the Midwest.

After that, things began to get gross. He broke into a law office, ransacked it, and took a dump on a desk, using law degrees as toilet paper. Next, he went to the hotel next door where he went door to door pretending to be a female housekeeper. Finally, after a Canadian couple answered him, he robbed them of $600 and he left to another room to go shave his head completely.

From there, he escaped with the stolen cab but crashed into a parking garage. However, he managed to steal another one after he threatened a driver with a knife and kicked him out. Next, he drove to the mall where he tried to hide in a vat of water, but cops were able to find him and arrested him on the spot.

I'm pretty sure someone needs to give him a Guinness World Record. 11 felonies in 9 hours is something that takes a lot of time and cocaine. I expect this from Florida, but this guy is actually a wanted man in Kentucky. However, this guy should of went somewhere besides a shopping mall or a law office. He should've went to a place where the police can't catch him. Like Mexico.

Source: Huffington Post
Photo: Daily Mail

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