Apr 4, 2012

Baby Hand Bag: Woman Caught Driving With Newborn In Her Purse

A lady in the US Virgin Islands is under arrest after a police officer pulled her over and found a newborn zipped up in her purse in the passenger's seat. After pulling her over, the officer asked for the woman's license and heard a baby crying but didn't see a baby. That's when the officer searched the car and found the baby after he unzipped the purse. The lady says she was driving the baby girl to a doctor because she hadn't received prenatal care and was only born a week ago. This is one of the reasons why I don't want to have a baby. You have to drive it to the hospital all the time. You can't drink while you're pregnant. You can't take them to the bar until they get a fake I.D. And now you can't put them in your purse? Honestly, I didn't see anything wrong with what this lady was doing with this baby until I finally realized, she could have just put the baby in the trunk.

Source: WTF News
Photo: Aisha Music

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