Apr 17, 2012

Fucking, Austria

There is a city in Austria that is fed up with their town name and resident's are contemplating on changing it. The town is called Fucking. I wish I was kidding about Fucking, but I'm not. Fucking has been a victim of mockery from stolen signs to prank calls. The Fucking locals are fed up with the mockery as it has been nothing but insulting and irritating to all of them. The Fucking mayor says, "The only problem is that we need all of the Fucking residents to agree to the name change. Everyone needs to agree for it to happen." The town received its name from a nobleman named Focko in the 6th century and the spelling was modernized when the 18th century came around. In 2005, the Fucking residents tried to change the name of the town, but there were too many who voted against it.

Source: Huffington Post
Photo: Wikipedia

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