Apr 5, 2012

In Heat: Girl Slaps Boyfriend For Not Having Sex With Her

A woman in Florida is under arrest for punching her boyfriend in the face because he would not have sex with her. The woman's father heard something in the house they all live in and when he went to go check out what was wrong he found his daughter repeatedly slapping her boyfriend in the face. The father called the cops and the boyfriend told officers that the fight started when he called his girlfriend ugly and refused to sleep with her. The girlfriend claims that the man slapped and choked her first, but cops didn't believe her because her story changed several times. This girl is retarded. She needs to invest in a vibrator, or at least a decent-sized zucchini. She could have easily walked down the street to the nearest 7-11 and bought a couple bananas AND eat them when no one is looking. However, I don't know who's more stupid: the girl for wasting her time fighting a guy who won't have sex with her or the guy for dating someone who he knows is ugly.

Source: Huffington Post
Photo: Daily Mail

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