Apr 25, 2012

Elec-Tricks: Researchers Predict Brothels Will Have Robot Sex Workers

Researchers in New Zealand predict that brothels will have robotic prostitutes that will offer clean, guilt-free sex. Isn't that what vibrators and flesh lights are for? The research was done from two students who had to do a thesis on what the sex industry will be like in the year 2050. The report theorized that each brothel will have several blonde and brunette robots, of different races, body types, speaking different languages and offering several different sexual features. I like how they didn't include redhead robots as if they're going to be extinct by the year 2050. The robots would be made of a bacteria-resistant fiber to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and would help put an end to prostitution and human trafficking. So this is good news for men who are getting sick of receiving a blow job with a condom on, but this is bad news for Republicans looking for sex in an airport bathroom. In turn, this would also gain a new respectability for prostitution and men won't feel guilty having sex with a robot if they are in an exclusive relationship. In the end, these robots would become so human-like that humans will end up having sex, falling in love, and maybe even marrying them, the report theorizes.

I for one think this is both a good and bad thing. This is good for the people who can't get anybody in their life to have sex with them or even sit down to have a conversation with them because they're just weird or don't know how to brush their teeth. But what the hell will it be like to break up with a robot? I mean if these robots are going to have emotions, then not only would I not be interested in them in the first place, but I feel like they might get so mad that they'll self-destruct or electrocute you the next time you try to have sex with it. Either way, I feel like people are already having sex with machines. They're called vacuums.

Source: The Herald Sun
Photo: Coed Magazine

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