Apr 26, 2012

Karate Pig: Dog Owner Runs Into A Kung Fu Guinea Pig

A woman in Slovakia was walking her two dogs to the park and they encountered a kung-fu guinea pig. The dogs noticed the rodent in the grass and approached it out of curiosity but the guinea pig scared them off with multiple spinning kicks and leaps. Clearly this guinea pig has seen Karate Kid too many times. The owner of the dogs said, "Bona started barking and Meggie wanted to sniff it. "I guess it got pretty scared although both dogs are harmless and just wanted to play. But then they got pretty scared when the guinea pig started its kung fu chops." Obviously these dogs are both female dogs because they sound like little bitches. A local wildlife expert says it's probably a runaway or an abandoned house pet. I say this guinea pig needs a horse tranquilizer to calm the eff down. Another wildlife expert said, " It's not the first time we've heard of this. These creatures are usually docile family pets but when they feel threatened they will fight for their lives like any animal that thinks it's been cornered." I understand the self-defense but that doesn't explain why this guinea pig has a black belt. Who the fuck is its owner? Chuck Norris?

Source: WTF News
Photo: Triple M

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