Apr 12, 2012

Step On The Grass: Study Shows Weed Smokers Are Safer Drivers

4autoinsurancequote.org has noticed a correlation between marijuana users and safe driving. The study shows that those driving while under the influence of marijuana will drive slower, which in turn makes them drive safer. There was also another study that showed a drop in traffic accidents in states that legalized marijuana, California being one of them. That study says that most people who are high on marijuana feel that they are going 80 miles per hour when they are actually going 30 miles per hour, while alcohol has the inverse effect. So now if they pull Snoop Dogg over, its obvious that the cops are racist. I don't know why the article says it's safe for drivers to go at 30 miles per hour. 30 miles per hour is too slow. I don't have my license, but I know that if I was high and driving, I would be going a lot faster than 30 miles per hour because I'm probably in a hurry to get to the nearest Taco Bell.

Source: SF Gate
Photo: Toke of the Town

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