Apr 5, 2012

Pissed Off: Man Arrested For Peeing On His Coworkers' Seats

A man in Iowa is under arrest for peeing on the seats of his female coworkers for the past five months. He would select his victims by going through the database of worker profiles and choosing the attractive ones only. Then, he would go into the workplace outside of the hours of operation and pee all over the seats. After several complaints were made, the company set up surveillance cameras and caught the man yellow-handed. The damage to the chairs amounted to around $4,500. First of all, this is fucking gross. Now these ladies have to start using toilet seat covers in the bathroom AND at their desk. Second, what the hell kind of chairs are these people sitting on that damage amounts to $4,500? A chair with that kind of price better give me back rubs and make me food during my meal break.

Source: Huffingto Post
Photo: Huffington Post

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