Oct 13, 2010

Taking Deaths: T.I. Talks Man Out of Suicide

T.I., one of my many chocolate bunny favorites, was listening to Ryan Cameron's V103 radio show based in Atlanta and heard there was a man on top of their building who wanted to jump off. When T.I. heard the news, he called the radio station and asked if there was anything he could do to prevent the man from jumping off the 22-story building. I, as the jumper, could have came up with some pretty creative ideas for T.I. Cameron asked T.I. to come over where he made a video saying "Nothing is that bad. Nothing in life is worth taking your life. I'm here to help you. Please come down to talk to me." Had I seen that video, I would've been in the lobby in a minute. Naked.

Aside from saving lives, T.I. is due in court this Friday to face the music about violating his probation by getting arrested for drug possession. If only I was the judge that had the responsibility of sentencing T.I. I would open my heart, open my legs, and sentence him to the same work-release program as Montana Fishburne.

Photo: BET

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