Oct 12, 2010

Can You Pay My Bills?: Melissa Etheridge Isn't Feeding Her Ex-Wife

So I guess Melissa Etheridge married and divorced some lunatic named Tammy Lynn Michaels and obviously she sounds like a hot mess. Etheridge filed for separation and joint custody of their twins. At the same time, Michaels wanted financial support from Etheridge, but Etheridge's lawyer is rejecting the idea. Then, Michaels decided to try to take action in her own hands and file for her own divorce and ask for FULL custody of the twins. Her first mistake is filing for full custody when she's also asking Etheridge to support her. Why the hell would she ask for support of her damn twins when she can't even support herself? Second mistake: she filed for divorce as a married couple when her and Etheridge were not even married. They shared a domestic partnership. After that, Michaels' and her lawyer are complaining that Etheridge left Michaels and their twins with only $4. Michaels' lawyer continues to say Etheridge is not treating Michaels like a wife. I'm guessing that's because they're getting a divorce. However, Etheridge's lawyer says Etheridge is paying ten of thousands of dollars in monthly expenses for Michaels, which I believe because it sounds like she's the only one with all the money. The best part is Michaels' dumb ass asked for Etheridge to pay for her legal fees. Luckily, the court ruled that Etheridge has been paying for food, housing, school and all the other necessities that Michaels and the twins need to live.

There's something that obviously needs to be said here. I don't care who you are, whether you're a celebrity, or a celebrity's ex-wife, or just a stupid mistress, you need to learn how to make your own money. I hate when dumb asses, like Michaels or Michael Douglass' ex-wife, complain that they aren't getting enough money. Make your own damn money. Either that or close your legs or stop having kids or else you're going to end up like Octomom.

Photo: TMZ

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