Oct 25, 2010

Carni-Whore: Pam Anderson Poses for PETA Campaign

PETA is launching a campaign to start getting people to go veagan, which I think is really stupid. Don't get me wrong. I love animals, but I love to eat them, too. I understand that they have good intentions, but sometimes you gotta say no. First of all, animals die. I'm going to eat them one way or another. Secondly, vegans fart too much. Not to say that I don't fart. In fact, I enjoy a few releases here and there because they're funny. However, like everything else, too much of anything is not good. Anywho, so they got Pam Anderson to pose for their campaign in a bikini. I didn't see that one coming... They divided her and her fake body into meat portions, labeling the breast, the legs, the rump, etc. all to encourage people stop eating meat. Okay so I'm not very smart, but I'm guessing the target audience for the ad are men and manly lesbians. I don't know about you guys but they're sexualizing meat. If men and manly lesbians want Pam Anderson and Pam Anderson is representing meat in the ad, it's only going to make men and manly lesbians want meat even more. I know damn well if they had a picture of LL Cool J in his underwear, I'm going to want all the meat in the world, including his.

Photo: Heat World

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