Oct 6, 2010

Trick or Meat: Dress As Lady GaGa or Jersey Shore For Halloween

Party City, the company that sells stupid costumes every year for Halloween made some pretty ridiculous costumes this year. Of course they kept it classic by keeping some of the same costumes, such as the slutty cop, the slutty nurse, and the slutty vampire, but this year they added a couple of pretty good ones. First off, you can dress as a cast member from Jersey Shore, but only Pauly D, Snooki, or the Situation. I don't know if there are anymore cast members. Hopefully this comes with complementary drugs and alcohol. If so, then I'm definitely interested in being Pauly D. or the Situation this year. I would like to be Snooki, but I doubt that costume will come with any cocaine or ecstasy. If you've seen Snooki's waist line recently, you'll understand. Aside from them you can also be Lady GaGa this year. Trick-or-treaters can choose from Pokerface Lady GaGa, Telephone Lady GaGa, or VMA performance Lady GaGa. I was a little disappointed to find out that the meat dress wasn't an option. I was hoping I could two birds with one stone by getting a costume and food for the barbecue in one place. After looking at the Party City website, it says that the Lady GaGa outfits are only available for women. However, I have no doubt that there will be more gay men tucking in their penises pretending to be Lady GaGa then there will women. I'm sure lots of female college students are going to be buying lots of costumes for their gay friends this year. Whether I have a costume or not, I know this year I'm going to be the Lady GaGa that got drunk and only remembered to put on half of her outfit at a baseball game.

Photo: Party City

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