Oct 7, 2010

Teen Dummy: "Teen Mom"'s Amber Portwood Is Dating a Sex Offender

Amber Portwood of MTV's Teen Mom has been having a couple of issues with the media lately. Recently, her and her baby daddy, Gary Shirley, are having their relationship put under investigation by Child Protective Services because of domestic abuse. Apparently, there was an episode where Amber can be seen hitting Gary several times in front of their daughter, Leah. Welcome to life. The footage also shows Amber yelling and Gary not fighting back. The yelling part I can understand, but Gary not fighting back seems a little strange to me. Either way, Amber moved on to bigger (or in this case, smaller) and better things and found someone new. She met a new man named Chris Hossman at the parking lot of a local Wal-Mart. How romantic. However, recent news reports are revealing that Hossman was convicted for child molesting on March 21, 2005 and released October 6, 2006. First of all, this was 5 years ago that this happened. There's no reports saying that Hossman did the crime a second time. Better yet, he seems more sane than most people I know giving people jesus juice and hanging their kids off of balconies. Second, if it was 5 years ago, that means Hossman who is now 27 was 22 at the time. I get the feeling that "child molesting" was probably him dating a 16-year-old girl. Guys his age in Indiana never date girls their own age. Give him a break. Either way, this is the reason why I never go on dates anymore. I don't care about your past. I don't care about your future. The first thing I want to know is: are you good in bed? If you take a look at Amber's ex-boyfriend and Hossman, then she's probably taking a step in the right direction.

Photo: Babble

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