Jun 30, 2010

Mini Me: Elizabeth Edwards Relates to Sandra Bullock

Elizabeth Edwards tells Star how she can sympathize with Sandra Bullock when it comes to people focusing more on her divorce and less on her talent. If anyone knows who Elizabeth Edwards is please enlighten me. I'd Google her, but I'm so busy plucking pubic hairs off of bums on the street. Like Bullock, Edwards went through a nasty divorce with ex-husband John Edwards, who cheated on her. She says there are still many things that she likes about her ex-husband. I doubt Sandra can say the same. She also says that she doesn't know Bullock at all. The more I read the article, the less I think Edwards is like Bullock. Edwards concludes the interview and says like herself, Bullock wants to reclaim who she is. I don't think Elizabeth knows that in order to reclaim yourself, you have to claim yourself first.

Photo: Star Magazine

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