Jun 10, 2010

Z-Trippin: DJ Z-Trip Thinks Pauly D Isn't That Good.

Pauly D is one of the top 100 finalists for the competition America's Best DJ, but apparently a couple of DJs think he doesn't deserve to be there. E! Online reports that Z-Trip, who was the winner of last year's competition, says he was the one who had the strongest opinion. With a name like Z-Trip, I was so anxious to hear what he had to say that I couldn't stop biting my nails! My toenails... On his Twitter account, Z-Trip tweeted:

"START OF RANT: Being last years winner, I have 2 say, it's a bit of a knock 2 all the OG's 2 include Pauly D on Americas Best DJ 2010 ballot [...] Not trying 2 dis, but the fact that he is on the list (alongside some DJ legends) is a bit sketchy. [...] If U keep at it, eventually U can earn it. But nobody knew who U were b4 the show #imjustsayin'.... END OF RANT."

First of all, what the fuck is up with the "START" and "END" crap? Obviously, he doesn't know what 'end' means if he continues to talk about Pauly D after his "end of rant." Go through his Twitter acount and you'll see. Second, I don't know Pauly D and nor have I heard any of his work, but what I do know is that he has a face I want to ride until Christmas Day. Everybody knows when you get to high school, all of the popular people happen to be all of the sexy people. However, judging by Z-Trips oratorical skills, I doubt he made it that far into his education.

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