Jul 7, 2010

Clean Up Time: Janitor Finds Snake in Locker

In Newton, Massachusetts a high school janitor was cleaning out a locker when a 3-foot python fell by his feet. In case you don't know, that's about the equivalent of three African-American penises put together. At first, the janitor thought it was a coin purse. I don't exactly know what kind of coin purses this fool has seen, but if I saw a snake, I'd probably mistake it for a pile of shit before a coin purse. At second glance, he thought it was a rubber snake. He probably just said this to prevent himself from looking like an idiot. I should let him know that it's okay. Janitors aren't exactly known for their wisdom, but more for their ethnicity. However, I underestimate him. When the snake coiled into attack mode, the janitor grabbed the python behind its head, as seen on T.V. Thank God for the Discovery Channel. He thinks the snake was left in there as a prank so he took a notebook, which had a student's name on it, from the locker and turned it in to the principal. What a tattletale.

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