Jul 10, 2010

Doggy Style: Lady Tapes Dog to a Fridge

Abby Toll is spending 30 days in jail for taping her boyfriend's dog to a refrigerator. Good thing she wasn't Chinese. Then she probably would have taped it inside the oven. First she used hair ties and tape to close the mouth shut and then used more to tie the limbs together. After that, she taped the dog to the fridge upside down. She says she did it to get back at her boyfriend for paying more attention to the dog instead of her. I don't exactly know how she thought this would be the perfect way to get back at her man. If it were me, I probably would have abandoned it at a park or maybe even feed it some chocolate. I'm not evil. I promise. The dog is a Shiba Inu as pictured above. How can you say no to a face like that? Don't you just want to take him to your room with a jar of peanut butter?

Photo: Stock Xchng

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