Jul 10, 2010

Lethal Weapon: Mel Gibson is the New Chris Brown

Before I begin this blog, I want to let my readers (if there are any) know that the title of this blog is definitely a fat middle finger to Chris Brown. After reading this, I hope everyone can agree that what Chris Brown did is nothing compared to what Mel Gibson has done, confirmed or alleged.

Mel Gibson is being put under investigation for a domestic violence complaint made by his girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva. For the sake of preventing future spelling errors, Oksana will now be called O.G. Around early January of this year, Mel Gibson allegedly punched O.G. in the face and knocked two of her front teeth out. I hope she decided to get some gold teeth as replacements. Maybe one can have the letter "O" on it and the other one can have a "G."

O.G. also recorded Mel Gibson verbally abusing her and using racial epithets. He calls O.G. a bitch, a cunt, and a whore. All of which are words that I enjoy being called between the sheets. However, one thing I can not stand for is racism. After belittling O.G. for wearing sleazy clothing, Gibson says "and if you get raped by a pack of ni**ers it will be your fault. Alright? Because you provoked it. You are provocatively dressed all the time with your fake boobs that you feel you have to show off." Let's get one thing straight here. We've all used the 'N' word one time or another. Hell, though I'm full blooded Nicaraguan, I feel the need to say the word since I have some black (men) inside me from time to time (get it?). However, I think it's safe to say that Mel didn't use the word as a form of humor or respect. As if that didn't get me heated enough, I later find out that he called one of his Latino workers a "wetback." It's people like him that make religious people look bad. Just like all of those Christian republicans using glory holes in airport bathrooms.

Photo: Stupid Celebrities Gossip

1 comment:

  1. How can you say "one thing I can not stand for is racism" and in the next post you jokingly say "Good thing she wasn't Chinese. Then she probably would have taped it inside the oven"? I know it's a joke, but it is still a racist comment.
