Jul 6, 2010

Summer Vacation: Lindsay in Jail for 90 Days.

It's been a pretty shitty time for Lindsay Lohan dealing with all of her court appearances, or lack thereof, and it just got shittier. Lindsay is being sentenced to 90 days in jail and when she's out she has to go to an inpatient rehabilitation program for another 90 days. Hopefully the program will also help her stop smelling like cigarettes and redbull. When the judge asked her how much time she spent in jail, Lohan said, "a lot!" She actually spent 84 minutes. I guess she can't tell the difference between minutes and days. She then had the nerve to say she thought she was in compliance with the law. She probably misheard "the law" for "the lie." She missed 9 alcohol ed classes, drank alcohol with a SCRAM bracelet on, and missed one of her court dates. She is definitely getting her money's worth when it comes to drugs. She claims that it's been hard for her to follow up with her court mandates and still have time to make a living. I don't exactly know what Lindsay's doing to get money, but I have a feeling it's her mom.

Photo: Technorati

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