May 26, 2010

Single Mother (F*****): Bristol Palin Raises Her Kid By Herself

In the June issue of Harper's Bazaar, Bristol Palin talks about her new life with her new baby, Tripp. With a name like that, I'm not too sure he's going to make many friends. The article talks about how much she loves her baby, even though she expected to be in college at age 19. Nothing says love like admitting to regret... But she does admit that her baby is a blessing, as much of a shock as it was for her and her parents. Though Bristol's ex-boyfriend, Levi Johnston, claims Bristol's parents let them share a room together, Bristol says that isn't true. When asked about Johnston, she considers him a stranger and that they share a past that's "just dirty laundry." I think dirty laundry is more along the lines of what Tripp needs to get changed every day. Levi Johnston, however, is more of something that I would consider a dream come true. I would want to ride his mustache like a mechanical bull!

Anywho, Bristol also talks about how she's adjusted to her new life. She is now working as a medical assistant and has become a new ambassador for Candie's Foundation to help fight teen pregnancy. If I was a heterosexual, I think Bristol would be one of the last people I wanted to talk to about safe sex. Same goes for Jamie Lynn Spears. She also talks about how she doesn't have time to go out to social events, like hockey games, or how she doesn't have time for friends. I'll speak for your friends and say they probably don't have time for you.

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