May 22, 2010

Give It Arrest: Lindsay Lohan Misses Her Court Date

Lindsay Lohan, also known as Lindsay Loca, missed her court date on Thursday morning because she was stuck in Cannes, France. She was there promoting one of her movies where she starrs as some porn star. I bet she was in costume then. She couldn't make it back to Los Angeles because she allegedly had her passport stolen and believes her father, Michael Lohan, is involved. I would be in on stealing her passport,, too, if that mean she would be out of the United States a lot longer.

To make matters worse, Lindsay was partying all night long and was seen leaving a yacht at 7:30 Friday morning. Talk about having a good time. One of the partygoers says Lindsay was drinking vodka and there is a picture of Lindsay sitting next to a table with powder lines next to each other. When asked if it is cocaine, Lindsay says "that's a setup that's so untrue." Next thing you know she's going to say she's starting this new thing where she does her laundry at 2 in the morning.

Lindsay is scheduled to go to court on Monday morning and plans on landing in Los Angeles today around 7pm. Hopefully it's the same flight Osama Bin Laden is getting on.

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