May 17, 2010

Demi A Break: Demi Lovato Talks About Her Relationship With Joe Jonas

It's no surprise that Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas are going out. It's also no surprise that either one of them is getting any action. In her interview with Us Weekly, Lovato says, "Every time that I've started to date someone, I've had private relationships, and there's just so much stress trying to hide it and keep it quiet, that if you just come out and say. 'Ok, we're together,' you don't have to worry about keeping it such a secret." First off, it's not called keeping a secret if no one really cares about your relationship status. Second, it's not a relationship if you guys do the same thing friends do. Maybe she doesn't know the difference between a boyfriend and a boy friend.

However, I am going to say that I am happy for her. Even if she isn't getting hot and heavy with celibacy addict, Joe Jonas, at least she upgraded herself from her previous relationship with Trace Cyrus. I actually had to Google him since I didn't know Miley had a brother or that Billy Rae could actually convince someone to have sex with him twice. If you don't know what he looks like, my best description would be Adam Lambert's ugly, younger brother.

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