May 6, 2010

Kristen Stewart Doesn't Kiss and Tell

In her interview with Elle, Kristen Stewart, that chick from Twilight, says she will never talk about her love life. She says that she's working hard to maintain her privacy and states "I can't be alone and I like being alone." With that in mind, I'm having trouble believing she has a love life. I think if she really wanted to be alone then maybe she should have thought a few things through before becoming an actress. Just a thought. She also talks about the paparazzi and says "they're  like thugs." Hey dumb ass, how about you take your antisocial attitude out of your Beverly Hills hotel room and drive thirty minutes to Compton. Then you'll find some thugs. You can also Google T.I.

Stewart also talks about how people criticize her behavior in public. She says that when she's on the red carpet people think she's miserable. "It’s not that I’m miserable, it’s just that somebody’s yelling at me…I literally, sometimes, have to keep myself from crying..." Lesson #1: if you have to keep yourself from crying in public, there's a pretty good chance you're miserable. She goes on to talk about how she acts when giving speeches. “I think it’s funny that when I go onstage to accept an award, they think I’m nervous, uncomfortable, and awkward—and I am—but those are bad words for them.” I'm not exactly a wordsmith and nor do I own a thesaurus, but I have seen Stewart accept an award and I think those words hit the nail on the head. Same goes for the term "basket case."

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