Sep 25, 2010

Undress Or Roofless: Octomom Refuses Porn To Pay Foreclosure

Nadya Suleman aka Octomom aka stupid bitch who decided to have 14 babies for no reason is apparently behind on her monthly payments for her home. Amer Haddadin, the man who sold the house to Octomom and her dad, originally gave her a deadline to pay her bills by March 23rd, but her lawyer convinced Haddadin to extend it to October 9th. After hearing news that Octomom might lose her house, Steven Hirsch, the president of a porn company called Vivid Entertainment, wrote her a letter offering to pay her bills IF.... she did a porn tape. Sounds like a win-win situation to me. However, Nadya Sule-dumbass says "I'll do whatever I can... as long as I'm fully clothed." Talk about boring. She doesn't want to do a sex tape and she didn't even get penetrated by some guy when any of her children were conceived. I don't know what it is she has against sex, but I'm guessing no one wants to have sex with her. So instead of doing one sex tape to pay off her home, this past weekend she decided to make money by doing something else: having a yard sale. What a bright idea... I don't know why she doesn't just go for the sex tape. She's about to lose her home, she lost her dignity a long time ago, and by now, after giving birth to 14 little rascals, I'm sure she's lost her vagina, too.

Photo: Extra!

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