Sep 20, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Care: Nicki Minaj Is Being Celibate "By Choice"

Nicki Minaj is one interesting cat that I just can't seem to put my finger on. She makes very interesting music and what I like about it most is that it's always different. Nothing is ever the same with her. Anywho, her music suggests a lot of sexual connotations of having sex with both men and women. Apparently the press is making a big deal about her talking about doing sexual acts with women and she's getting sick of it. She says, "When I rap, it’s just an extension of how I speak, and that’s how I talk. If you don’t like it, don’t listen. I’m also not going to explain something just because I said it in a rap. Take what you want from it. [In the press] I didn’t say [I don't like women]. I said I don’t have sex with women. I don’t have sex with men right now either. If [bisexual is] what they wanna call me, then fine." After going on Google Translation and putting in this excerpt from "Nicki Minaj" to "English" I found out that she's saying, "men don't wanna sleep with me, so I tried girls to get more attention, so now I'm going to hide my sexuality so the media keeps following me." She continues to go on saying that she's celibate and encourages all  of her "young barbies to do the same." Looks like I'm no longer following her on Twitter anymore.

Photo: Tha Dog House

1 comment:

  1. Aww come on. She's really a bright person but the media definitely masks that. Spend 1 day with her and you'll know what I mean...
