Sep 22, 2010

It's A Rap: Lyfe Jennings Retires After Going To Jail

Lyfe Jennings is going to jail for 3 and a half years for illegally owning a firegun, like most of his rapper friends, along with other mistakes he's made in the past. Apparently he fired the weapon in public and tried to flee the police. My favorite part is when the report talks about trespassing. He kicked down the front door of his baby mama's house, also where his 2 kids live, fired a few rounds out into the street, and let the cops chase him around some random city in Georgia. It makes me love black men that much more. He went to twitter where he says thank you to everyone who has given him a chance and claims it will be his last tweet. He also declared his retirement, but either way, he's going to jail for 3 years and everyone will probably have forgotten who he is by the time he gets out. Then on his twitter, he writes "I would like to think that I've changed lives by changing my own, tho I can't be sure..." I'd like to reassure him that he has. This is the kinda man I wanna take home to mama. I don't know if I can say the same for his ex-girlfriend.

Photo: The Boom Box

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