Sep 21, 2010

Prison Break-Down: Prisoner To Sue Kardashians For Emotional Distress

I've just heard news about a prisoner at the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections who wants to sue the Kardashians because their show, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, has made him go crazy. He claims that he was forced to watch the show, which I don't know how that happens unless your cellmate threatens to rape you. Even then, that sounds like a win-win situation to me. The guy's name is D.J. Goodson so obviously he won't get very far in life and he claims to be put under through emotional distress because he witnessed domestic abuse, like when Kim had her celebrity boxing match, emotional abuse, like when Kourtney and Scott argue about their stupid relationship, and racism, when Kim refers to black babies as baby doll. First of all, racism is the most retarded thing he can claim. Kim and Khloe have been doing all sorts of black men a favor by having sex with them all. Second, what the fuck is a little bitch crying over two people arguing on TV doing in prison? How the hell did he get there in the first place? Jaywalking? Thirdly, I don't know how the hell he was forced to watch the show. There's plenty to do in prison. Trust me. I've been arrested. Time flies when you drop the soap.

Photo: Khloe Kardashian Dot Net

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