Dec 6, 2011

Trans-Fixed: Transgender Woman Sues Khloe Kardashian For Assaulting Her

A transgender woman is filing a lawsuit against Khloe Kardashian for an altercation they shared back in 2009. It's now the end of 2011 so I'm guessing Khloe beat the memory out this tranny. The victim goes by the name Chantal Spears, but is also known as Ronald S. Spears. The article doesn't say whether she dresses up in man form as Ronald McDonald, but that would be an interesting twist. Either way, in Khloe's defense, I'm sure her mother taught him not to hit a woman, but I'd be confused, too. However, the court documents claim that Spears was attacked by ten other people along with Kardashian amazon according to TheWrap. I'm sure Khloe counts as five people. The whole altercation allegedly started in front of nightclub called Playhouse in Hollywood after Spears told Kardashian's husband, Lamar Odom, that he's too young to be married. Whether that's true or not, he certainly isn't to black to be married to Khloe.

Photo: Daily Mail

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