Dec 1, 2011

Alley Cat: Rescuers Spend 12 hours To Save A Toy

There was a missing pregnant cat in the UK that villagers thought was trapped inside of a bin. The cat was first caught missing when it ran away after it was going to be adopted into a new home. About three days passed and villagers heard meowing from a clothes bin. However, they could not look into the bin because it was locked shut. They called the fire department and the RSPCA to open the bin, but both of them failed. Is this a clothes bin or a god damn vault? Finally, they decided to drive the bin to a specialist engineering firm where they were able to open it with saws. The villagers dug through the items to retrieve the cat only to find out that it was a squeaky toy. Moral of the story: cats are not worth rescuing.

Photo: Hawaii Life

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