Dec 6, 2011

Miss DUI: 2010s Miss USA Arrested For Drunk Driving

Michigan Police have arrested Rima Fakih, Miss USA 2010, for driving drunk Saturday morning. Cops first found her speeding and swerving through Detroit traffic and decided to pull her over. According to the police report, Fakih introduced herself as Miss USA. I wonder if she used that high-pitched voice that they all use saying, "Rima Fakih. Detroit, Michigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!" When cops asked her to blow through the breathalyzer, her blood-alcohol content was 0.2 which is two-and-a-half times the legal limit. Cops also found a half-empty bottle of wine behind the driver's seat so obviously this girl is a classy ass bitch. She sounds like two tons of fun if you ask me. However, I don't condone drinking and driving. People need to be as responsible as I am and have a slice or two at the pizza place that's open after the bars close. And then fall asleep in the restroom until the janitor find you at 6am.

Photo: Damn Cool Pictures

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