Nov 2, 2011

Fuel To Fire-Crotch: Lindsay Lohan Is Going To Jail. Part 5.

Judge Stephanie Sautner has sentenced Lindsay Lohan to jail for 30 days and also gave Lohan a full week to surrender due to her unfinished photo shoot with playboy. So the good news is Ali and Dina can spend quality family time with Lindsay, but the bad news is Lindsay is going to be on Playboy. According to TMZ, Lindsay probably won't even stay incarcerated the full 30 days due to jail overcrowding and may only serve about 20% of the sentence, which is 6 days. I wouldn't be surprised if she did get out early. I also wouldn't be surprised if she went back to jail 12 hours later after being released just like her father. What would surprise me is the day Lindsay Lohan can finally say, "Maybe I should just go to bed."

Sautner also ordered monthly court dates in which she is to submit progress reports of how far along she is with her community service and psychotherapy counselling. If Lohan violates this contract, Sautner will sentence her to 270 days in jail. Lohan is also ineligible for early release or house arrest and will be paired with a "no-nonsense" probation officer. I don't know why it took them until her fifth jail sentence to say, "Hmm maybe we should be a little bit more hard on her."

Photo: Hollywood Dame

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