Nov 14, 2011

Von Dumb: Kat Von D Claims Jesse Cheated With 19 Women

Kat Von D wrote a blog discussing an encounter she had with what she claims to be the 19th women that Jesse James cheated on her with during their relationship. She admits to being wrong saying, "Sure, its easy to tell someone, 'I told you so' especially if you're criticizing someone from the outside, but that attitude comes from a place called Ego, and not Love. I know I deserve a big fat 'I told you so,' from everyone, and wish I didn't have to say, 'You all were more right than you'll ever know' but you were." She is also tired of being compared to Michelle "Bombshell" McGee saying, "Yes, I am pretty tired of getting mistaken for the girl who everyone believes to have broken up Jesse and Sandra's marriage, just because I have black hair and tattoos like that other gal. That does get a quite annoying at times, and it would be nice to not be associated with her, but that's trivial in the grand scheme of things." I don't know who is mistaking Kat Von D for that bombshell slut, but whoever they are hopefully they read Von D's blog. Then, they can realize that Kat Von D is the one who knows how to read and write, while McGee is the one who writes on her face. 

Photo: Leaky Faucet

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