Nov 15, 2011

Cool Cat: Kitten Survives A Washing Machine Spin Cycle

A cat has survived going through a washing machine spin cycle after veterinarians were able to get out all of the water it had in its lungs. The owner of the cat was doing a normal day of laundry day texting some friends when she realized her pet wasn't around. Something in her gut told her that she may have left it in the washer and when she went to the kitchen, she saw her cat through the washing machine glass door. Apparently, the cat somehow managed to jump inside the washer while the door was open. She didn't know whether to call the police or the firefighters so she went outside to go scream for help. I'm guessing that bright idea also came from her gut. The article didn't say how she got the kitten out of the washer, but she managed to drive the little shit to a local vet where they rescued her. The article did say, however, that now that the feline is back at home it continues to jump back into the washer. I don't know about you guys, but the cat sounds suicidal. Either that or it must have one hell of annoying owner. The cat was only 8 weeks old when the incident happened and is said to have been rescued after it was found in a box on the street along with its brothers and sisters. If this happened in the first 8 weeks of my life and I remembered it, I would probably take my chances in a washing machine, too.

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