Apr 12, 2011

Drunk and Misorderly: Baby Gets Drunk At Applebees

An American restaurant named Applebee's in Detroit, Michigan had a waiter serve the wrong drink to a male toddler after the mother ordered him an apple juice. The best part is that the waiter came back with a Margarita. I can understand if you mix up a vodka-apple juice for an apple juice, but there is no excuse for bringing a kid a stemmed glass of Margarita instead of a cardboard pack of Juicy Juice with a bendy straw. However, it's safe to say that I finally found a reason why I regret not being raised in Detroit. The mother knew something was wrong when the baby boy fell asleep after resting his head on the table and suddenly woke up in a very happy mood. Lucky for the mother, the boy isn't going to grow up to be an emotional drunk. I can totally see the baby boy crying over his diaper size being too big or telling his mother that she doesn't love him enough when she doesn't give him any toys. Apparently, the boy was also waving at a number of strangers so he might be one of those annoying, too-happy drunks. The only thing I want to know is what happened the next day and had a hangover or woke up with his head in his potty training toilet. Let's just hope he had a designated driver for his Tonka truck.

Photo: Fugly

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