Apr 11, 2011

Mamma Mia!: Man Dies After Falling Into Past Machine

A 26-year-old man died at a restaurant called Pasta Quistini after falling into some sort of pasta machine. I don't know what happened to putting pasta in a pot and cooking it in an oven, but I guess that's why I don't own an Italian restaurant. Either way, the victim had his shirt caught in the machine causing him to fall in head first. This sounds like every cannibal's dream come true. You can read more on the story here. It would be a good idea if you did because it sounds like another story about a man dying from falling into a tortilla machine. It's stories like these that give me more reason not to work with food. I've had two jobs and both times I quit because new opportunities arose. Opportunities to get drunk and finally get my ass fired. Anywho, I hope the victim didn't fall into the same pasta machine as the one pictured above. If so, he definitely lived a longer life than most people expected.

Photo: Vieco Kitchen

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