Apr 6, 2011

Look A Little Bieber: Dani Shay Looks Like Justin Bieber

As if Bieber fever hasn't been spreading rapidly enough, Justin Bieber fans have another thing to get all hot and bothered about: Dani Shay. They have the same hair, same voice, and they both like girls. However, the 22-year-old singer/songwriter is an American from Orlando, Florida and wants to make a name for herself so she isn't always being compared to Justin Bieber. Since Bieber is a Canadian, I think Shay being American is difference enough. She claims that people came up to her and constantly confused her for Bieber or told her that she looked a lot like the pop sensation. Among those people were teenage girls. I don't know if she exactly sounds like a lot of fun because if I were her, being a lesbian, I'd take advantage of all the ass I could get. Now that Shay knows who Justin Bieber is, she has a fantasy of meeting him on The Ellen Degeneres Show. I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't a fan of Justin Bieber, but I was a little annoyed to find out that they were capitalizing his image with Bieber dolls and nail polish. I don't know how much your life has to suck to the point where you're putting on Justin Bieber nail polish. However, I'd be pretty excited to see the products that come from Shay's popularity if most of her fans are adult lesbians, like herself. Lesbians can wear Shay bokers that say 'Got No Shaym' and show it off every time they wear their baggy pants. Or maybe they can make flannel shirts that say "Shay is the Way!" Maybe Samantha Ronson will change her occupation to a D-Shay.

Photo: OK Magazine

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