Nov 2, 2010

Demi Lo-Vanish: Lovato Leaves Tour To Seek Medical Treatment

I was on Twitter looking up all of my gossip sites and a bunch of them were on my feed saying something along the lines of "Demi Lovato Quits Tour, Enters Treatment." Of course I was disappointed to find out she wasn't doing drugs. I wouldn't hate her for doing drugs. In fact, I'd understand. If I was surrounded by 3 boys who said they didn't want to have sex with me, I'd be texting George Michael for some ecstasy. It turns out the girl withdrew from her tour to seek medical attention for other problems while she was in Peru, which obviously means she didn't get a chance to try the grilled chicken they have there. Her rep says "Demi has decided to take personal responsibility for her actions and seek help. She is doing just that. She regrets not being able to finish her tour, but is looking forward to getting back to work in the near future." In 'Demi Lovato' I think that means, "I'm a horny bitch with needs and don't want to resort to all of the uncircumcized Peruvians here." Her rep continues to say the reason Lovato sought treatment in the first place was because of "emotional and physical issues she has dealt with for some time." Again, I don't speak 'Demi' but I'm guessing the "emotional" issues involve breaking up with the Jonas queer she dated and the "physical issues" are the lack of intercourse. However, a 'close source' told People  "She was bullied in school. She fought through eating disorders and has struggled with cutting. …" which sounds like every girl in high school. We all get made fun of from time to time, we all enjoy McDonald's more than we should, and who the hell doesn't cut in high school? I know I never wanted to wait in those long ass lunch lines. 

Photo: The Daily Fill

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