Nov 2, 2010

Stalker Vol. 2: Uma Thurman Gets More Calls From Her Stalker

There's a man named Jack Jordan who apparently has an obsession with Uma Thurman. Kill Bill is definitely one of my favorite movies, but let's not get carried away here. Jordan called twice last week asking where Thurman was and demanded to have a chat with her. I suppose it's worth a try... However, this isn't the first time he's done this. In fact, he's violating his probation of refraining from contacting Thurman until 2012. The first time he was arrested was back in 2007 and at that point he had been stalking her for 2 years. He was arrested right outside of her Greenwich Village apartment, which is also in the same area where Richard Gere's stalker was arrested. Apparently, Greenwich Village attracts them the best and that's why every celebrity needs to be like everyone else in Hollywood and live in L.A.

Photo: Top 39

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