Nov 9, 2010

Doing Lines: The Jackson 5 To Do A Clothing Line

 The 5 mentally-ill Jackson brothers are planning to launch a line to pay tribute to Michael Jackson's fashion sense and to remember their lives as the Jackson 5. If they're going to make clothes to remember the times when they were the Jackson 5, I'm assuming the t-shirts will be decorated with whip lashes on the back. The name of the clothing line is going to be J5 so obviously these brothers really know how to get creative. I would've liked it to be called "Jesus Juice" and show tiny alcohol stains near the t-shirt collars or "Beat it" and have hand prints on the crotch part of the pants. The T-shirts prices range from $22-$58 and the designs will change every three-and-a-half months, which happens to fall on the same day that Joe Jackson attempts to sue a doctor for money. Either way it's a shame that Michael couldn't have been a part of this clothing line. I'm sure he would have been responsible for making the youth sizes. I'm sure he has a couple samples left in his closet. Uh-oh...

Photo: Baller Wives

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