Jun 14, 2011

Clean Up On Aisle 9: Two Moms Fight Over Frozen Food

There were two mothers, Marcella Caprario and Cathleen London, who were shopping at their local Trader Joe's in New York and had a little skirmish in the frozen food section. Caprario was with her husband walking down the frozen food aisle where he attempted to grab Trader Joe's brand Frozen Vegan Pad Thai With Tofu. London was also in the same section while her son ran in front of Caprario's husband and blocked him from grabbing the product. When the kid left, Caprario's husband said, "They don't even say 'excuse me.'" loud enough for the kid to hear. Well, London didn't take it very lightly and argued, "He's just a child!" and allegedly charged towards Caprario and her husband. One thing led to another and Caprario slapped London and now they've got themselves a legal issue to resolve. First of all, everyone knows the only thing worth fighting for in the frozen food section are Hot Pockets. Second, one of the moms is an opera singer and the other is a doctor, so I can totally see them saying stupid things in their argument, like "It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings!" or "You might feel a slight discomfort!" However, to a certain extent I can completely understand where each party is coming from. I once fought a seagull over fish n chips. I think it was dead already because all I did was stab it with a spork.

Photo: Wednesday Martin

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