Jun 14, 2011

Private Property: Anthony Weiner Posts Racy Photos

There's been a lot of buzz about a congressman named Anthony Weiner taking pictures of himself, some nude, and sending it to women. What really surprised me was the fact that Weiner isn't a republican. I don't know what it is about republicans being more likely to get caught touching minors or renting male prostitutes, but it sure makes me feel like I'm swaying on the wrong side of the political spectrum. Weiner has admitted himself and his A.D.D. weiner into a sex addiction rehab in hopes to amend his behavior and fix his mistakes. First of all, I don't believe in sex addiction. I believe in boring marriages. This guy is obviously bored with all of the non-sex he's having with his wife that he's going to look for it somewhere else. I'm not saying it's not his fault. I'm saying people shouldn't be married if they can't keep their pants on. People are always asking me when I'm going to get a boyfriend and I tell them, "I've had a million boyfriends. They just weren't my boyfriends." To make the situation even more ridiculous, Weiner was criticized by plenty of other politicians, one of them being Republican John Boehner.

Photo: Capital Bay

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