Jan 21, 2011

Sex Education: 2 Second-graders Commit Oral Sex In Class

I was watching the news the other day because, believe it or not, I like to watch something else besides E! and TMZ and I fell upon a really shocking story. Markham Elementary school is involved in an investigation over two sexual incidents that happened between two second graders. Both incidents have happened in the same classroom so someone needs to give this teacher an award already. The first incident happened involved a handful of kids undressing inside the classroom and the second incident involved two students engaging in oral sex. I don't exactly know how the teacher didn't notice several students taking their clothes off unless he was blind or a catholic priest.

Photo: My News


  1. This is just dirty. I get grossed out when I think of myself being sexual as a youngster. There is no place for this.

  2. Being sexual is a very natural urge. It's what we're made to do in this world.

  3. I would've done the exact same thing, if i'd known how to..
