Jan 20, 2011

Just Kidman: Nicole Kidman Has a Kid From a Surrogate Mother

I was reading People today and unfortunately ran into the story about Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban welcoming their brand new baby girl, Faith Margaret. The couple named the girl Faith because according to People, that is what they relied on to have the baby. In addition, a friend of the couple says, "they never gave up faith to have a child." This is so stupid. They act like something divine came to their house at midnight and gave them a child. Both Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman are 43-years-old so I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Urban has been shooting blanks the whole time or Kidman's eggs are a little too hard-boiled. All they did was find a new way to have a kid besides using their own genitals. I hate it when people say things like "things happen for a reason" or "it happened because we kept faith." That's not faith. That's called not being able to have a child and turning to a surrogate mother to have a child for you.

Photo: Jaunted

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