Aug 23, 2011

Drags, Not Drugs; Amy Winehouse Didn't Die From Narcotics

Amy Winehouse's toxicology report shows that she did not have any illegal drugs in her system at the time of death. However, she did have alcohol in her system, which is no surprise since we all saw her performances in Sudan and Dubai. I love Amy Winehouse's album and I could listen to it all day. The only thing better than listening to Amy Winehouse's music on iTunes is listening to it live while she's blacked out, but I digress. Those doing the report have not determined whether alcohol caused Winehouse's death, but some are theorizing that she died from quitting alcohol cold turkey. I may not be smarter than a 5th grader, but if she quit cold turkey, then why the fuck did she have alcohol in her system. I'm not going to lie. I assumed, like the majority of everyone else who heard the news, that Winehouse died from a drug overdose. Now that I've been proven wrong, I think we should all agree that she died from smoking a carton of Camels each day. I'll be damned if that didn't play a role in her death. Can you imagine she died of something that no one would ever expect, like overeating or being sober? That would make my day.

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