Mar 30, 2011

Lowe Blow: Rob Lowe Talks About Charlie Sheen

In the newest issue of Vanity Fair, Rob Lowe talks about his childhood and work life with Charlie Sheen. He also promotes his new book Stories I Only Tell My Friends: an Autobiography, which sucks for all of the people who told him some of their deepest secrets. He says that him and Sheen used to compete on who did a better job at work and apparently Charlie always won "by a nose." I'm assuming that's because Sheen used his nose more than Lowe did. He goes on to say that Sheen's home was much better than that of his modest parents. In it, Lowe says, was "never-ending Häagen-Dazs, brand-new BMWs, a lagoon pool with underwater tunnels, and a lit, professional-grade basketball half-court.” I'm sure times have changed as Sheen's current home is filled with never-ending drug cocktails, brand-new porn stars, a murky pool with underwater STDs, and a lit pipe full of crystal meth.

Photo: Huffington Post


  1. but doesn't Rob look HOT

  2. He does. I don't know how he doesn't get that much attention.
